Do I Matter?

Written and Spoken by Julie McCombe
Videography and Editing by Julie McCombe
Audio under license by Apple Inc.
Made with iMovie

What if this IS heaven, and we’re from another plane?
That this is the golden paradise that we’re living in right now,
simply by being,
with consciousness,
in our perfectly imperfect genius vessels,
with our magnificent senses
and the remarkable gifts of conscience and choice?
What if God is the glorious energy that flows within and around us?
Every particle in all things, all atoms, protons, neutrons, quarks and gluons;
just endless connective energy vibrating on different frequencies under the guise of a solid or a fluid mass.
What if this moment, with all the joy, pain, celebration and suffering it offers, is our golden opportunity to experiment, feel, strive, survive, thrive
and above all things, love?
And all the while, our soul floats peacefully in the darkness of another realm, warmed by shafts of glorious light as we pass to-and-fro between?
And if this precious journey will never happen again this way but memories of us and our moments can be shared, what will those whispers in time say about us?
Who did we touch?
Did we live large enough, learn enough, reach enough, inspire, forgive, help,
and love deep enough
to be remembered as our energy dissipates through the interwoven dimensions of the space-time continuum?
We can be defined as matter,
but I wonder how long we will matter?
Do I matter? 


© Do I Matter? Copyright Julie McCombe, 17 August 2022, All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to share but please give a shoutout to the author, Julie McCombe.

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