Logo Design

Creating outstanding logos Since 1998

A brand is not just a logo, but what is a brand without an outstanding logo at its core?

  • Capped price.
  • I will create a logo that empowers you to drive your business forward with confidence.
  • A professionally designed, bespoke, vector format logo aligned with your core ethos, target demographics and vision for the future. A logo that is memorable and sets your business apart from the competition.
  • Final logo supplied in full colour, spot colour and mono variations, in vector pdf, jpg and transparent png file formats separated into folders specifically for professional print, digital use and in-house use.
  • A Colour Specification Guide PDF for distribution with your logo to ensure brand standards are maintained.
  • Assignment of copyright, of the final, approved logo upon completion with detailed Terms of Trade and Service provided in advance – no hidden surprises!
  • PROTECT YOUR LOGO: IP Australia (Intellectual Property) Trade Mark Searches and Registration Process explained.

Free Initial Consultation – call Julie 0411 801 864.

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